In the USA the Food and Drug Administration and big agriculture has virtually taken control of our diet. Big agriculture has used poison on crop land and pasture land for insect control and for fertilizer. When the crop is harvested some of the residue of the insecticide is saved with the vegetables or fruit. In addition to the insecticide big agriculture uses enhanced food to cause cattle and poultry to grow faster.
The results of these action is the food which we consume has much less nutritional value than what our ancestors consumed. Recent studies have revealed that the nutrient value of an apple has depleted about 40% over the past 40 years. In many instances you would have to eat four of five servings of a vegetable to get the same nutrition our forefathers got. This lack of nutrient value is part of the cause of the cancer epidemic we are experiencing. The nutrients that could be enhancing our immune system are instead being converted to fat.
I am not a physician but in my opinion what we need are fruits and vegetables that are grown locally and not shipped from a distant location. In addition to the nutrient value loss due to growth hormones and fertilizer some nutrient value is lost in long distant transports and shelf life. Another possibility to grow your own. There are tower gardens which are available on the internet where you can grow some fruits and vegetables on your patio.
As you may have guessed I am a firm believer in holistic health. I am affiliated with Dr. Al Sears who travels the world looking for natural ’God given” plants which the local natives use to treat their illnesses naturally. He has found that locals suffer from very little Alzheimer’s, cancer, poor eye sight and joint pains due to their diet. Dr. Sears has visited several continents searching for cures that date back for 3 or 4 thousand years.
He has a health clinic in Florida where he specializes in treating his patients holistically. He has developed supplements to improve the immune system, brain health, eyesight and supplements that promotes long life. He is world renown and has written many books on how to live a long healthy life.
Dr. Sears gives an unconditional guarantee on his products. If you have a really serious problem, he accepts patients at his clinic. Click here to visit his site. You can explore it and learn what he has available. I take his supplements and for an 86-year-old I seem to be doing well. I have not even experienced a bad cold for years.

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